- Develop a Peer-to-Peer Research Resource Guide to facilitate effective collaboration between community organizations, researchers, and peer researchers.
- Ensure that projects involving peer participation are impactful, genuine, and avoid tokenism through genuinely collaborative approaches.
Approach | Strategies
In the development of this toolkit, we will:
- Review all data collected during the CARMHA research project.
- Co-develop key messages for the Resource Guide in collaboration with AAWEAR peers.
- Review best practices for engaging peer researchers in research projects.
Outcomes | Results
Our aim is to create a comprehensive guide that assists community organizations and researchers in collaborating effectively with peer researchers. The guide seeks to ensure that projects involving peer participation are genuine, impactful, and avoid tokenism by embracing a genuinely collaborative approach.
Working closely with Habitus within CARMHA’s committee meetings, discussions, planning sessions, survey development, journey mapping, and Research 101 classes was crucial for the project’s success. Without this collaborative approach, I wouldn’t have felt confident conducting interviews. This lack of confidence could have been evident to participants, potentially affecting the credibility and quality of our results.